Saturday 11 August 2012

Mr Blobby Runs Again!

Holy moly... after PT in the park on Thursday my legs were itchy... I mean ridiculously itchy and they were driving me crazy!

I wanted to get out for a long run this morning and was looking at about 10 miles - the furthest I had gone for a while (if we exclude the Thunder Run!) and off I set at a good comfortable pace. Running down the High Street was nice as so early and saw a group of runners out - we all nodded and greeted as we passed by. As I reached about half way into the route my legs were feeling rather odd so IO thought I'd take a breather, get a drink and stretch out. Oh my goodness, they were obscene.... where once was a small red bit slightly swollen and itchy now were large red swellings the size of a saucer around each bite and they were throbbing. What to do what to do. I was half way into my route so no short cut home was really an option. I had to man up and keep running. I started back up towards Locksbottom and was just behind another runner. As I slowly gained on him I knew he was doing the blokey competitive thing as he kept slightly speeding up but not able to maintain it. I sort of wanted to give him advice on his technique but sure that wouldn't have gone down well by someone who looked like she has parasites living in her legs!

Gradually I overtook him, well it was clear then he was competing with me as I saw him dig deep and try to catch me.... he didn't I took a side road and left him to his strange running style and competitive ways. I believe he was chicked!

By the time I reached home my legs were now a bit painful so all that I had the option to do was put them up and rest for a while!

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