Wednesday 6 June 2012

#juneathon Day 6: mixing it up!

So I guess when the Juneathon was first concived it was just about running, then it became about running and toher exercise.... now it suggests activity and excuses. Well I really hate to make excuses, in fact I never do, they are always good and justifiable reasons - or so I tell myself!
This evening was no different, I wanted to run but I didn't want to run. My legs are still tired but I have signed up for Juneathon and am still suffering the guilt of only walking on day 2 so I needed for my own sanity to do what I would consider 'proper' exercise (walking is of course exercise but the level I am now at it just doesn't quite cut it when a lovely stroll).
I needed motivation, I couldn't find any. I went to get my kit and spotted the yoga mat... aha a plan was hatching! I got out a Pilates DVD using some crazy circle device (see picture)... it was the first time I had done this DVD although I think that my dabbling in PIlates of late put me in good sted and I was impressed that I was able to complete the workout without having to modify (simplify) my moves.
Not quite a run but still avticiy and definatly not an excuse (I hope!).

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