Wednesday 22 February 2012

Emergency! Stop! Where are my shoes!?!

Where are my shoes!! Where are they, they have to be here, they just have to be, when is the train, oh too soon too soon, can I get home to get them, I don't think I can, I need my shoes where are they? - Just some of the thoughts running through me head after my interval training at the gym this morning!
Now lets go back a couple of hours, I woke up with the alarm nicely refreshed and got my gym bag together thinking I may try and make the early spin class. Then looking at the time and thinking better of it I decided I would try out my knee on the treadmill (I had a bit of a niggle of Sunday). I did 1 mile easy to warm up and was feeling good so decided to do some intervals instead as I was unable to get to the track session last week.... they were going superbly well, with 400m hard (at 7:03 min/mile pace) followed by 100m walk recovery. I did the first set of six and then the bad luck began I somehow pulled out the emergency stop tag and the treadmill (as it should) came to an abrupt halt and gave me my stats, argghhhhh what to do now. Well I figured it happened at a good point and just restarted the treadmill and back into my second set of intervals. 
I did the next set and although it was getting tougher and sweat was pouring from me so much so that my t-shirt had completely changed to a darker shade, I did my cool down and headed to shower and change for work.
Then it hit me, I had left my shoes at home, I must have, they were nowhere to be seen much as I willed it - now this wouldn't normally be a huge problem, I could have popped home or I have spare shoes in the office but not today. Today I was going to catch a train straight after the gym for a meeting in London. I two choices; (1) be late and go home to get the shoes risking schools traffic or (2) just style it out and go to the meeting, they were after all web developers and seem to mostly wear jeans and clothes reserved more for dress down days in the offices that I am used to. Decision made, I would style it out..... I looked a fool, bad day to be wearing a dress and black tights with bright white gym trainers! doh!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious Liz, I had to meet a guy from America today who I will be working with for the next 3 months. I was in a panic, should I wear a shirt and tie, a polo shirt or open necked shirt? I chose the latter an in between option....he turned up in jeans and a lumberjack shirt ggrrr. He had been told we were dress down IT department so dressed to fit in. Back to casual tomorrow :-)
